

【フル漫画】エロコスDREAM 28 d_545502 PURPLE HAZE【現実を忘れてエロ漫画に溺れる!→FANZAで、現実逃避のひとときを!】

溜め込んだ紳士に『究極の癒し』を! 原作にはないオリジナル企画『エロコスDREAM』第28弾は 『BLEACH』より『卯ノ花八千流』がドスケベ水着を纏い再登場! 人気No.1譲の圧倒的おもてなし!? 超キワドイ露出過多水着でラブラブ密着サービス! おの手この手でイかせまくる超・濃厚奉仕! 極上の抜きテクでキンタマが空になるまで無制限発射! 仕上げは超名器の膣締め生搾りで悶絶昇天! 究極のリラクゼーションタイムをご堪能ください!! 今回もサークルこだわりの着衣SEXでお届けします! ★This work is also available in English. ★枚数内訳 基本CG11枚 セリフ有り33枚(表紙含む) セリフ無し32枚 合計65枚+α(in English) The ultimate healing for pent-up gentlemen!? The 28th installment of the original project ’EroCos DREAM’ that is not in the original work ’Unohana Yachiru’ from ’BLEACH’ reappears in a lewd swimsuit! Overwhelming hospitality from the most popular esthetician!? Lovey-dovey close-up service in a super revealing swimsuit! Super-intense service that will make you cum with all sorts of methods! Unlimited ejaculations until your balls are empty with the best ejaculation techniques! Finish with a very tight vagina that will make you faint in ecstasy! Enjoy the ultimate relaxation time!! This time, we will deliver clothed sex, which is the circle’s specialty! 2025-03-15発売作品